Text Box: The one piece height waterproof void forms are available in any of these void heights of 4”, 6”, 8”, 12”, 18”, 24”, 30”, 36”.  The widths are available in 1/2” width increments, from 8” wide to 48” wide (one piece widths). These void forms may be stacked to 6 feet high to achieve greater heights for Lightweight Fill and other special foundation applications.  The products work great no matter the weather, wet or dry conditions, you can maintain a steady forward progress with your schedules.  
		“Call or email us your project drawing plans today for more information.  Thanks….. !!   Larry.. “

						lprimm@SuperVoid.com	334.730.3614

“ Void Forms  - Lightweight Fill ”

Special Soil Foundations



 SuperVoid products...

Text Box: 8” High-Void Text Box: There is simply… no other product like “ SuperVoid “  …..!!
   “ Nothing Else comes close…. “


The Waterproof - Advantage


SuperVoid Forms

Text Box:   24” High-Void Text Box: 4” High-Void

Cover Sheet

Text Box: 18” High-Void Text Box:  Waterproof  -  “ No Worries

Waterproof -  “ No Worries

Text Box: 6” High-Void

©  Copyright Materials All Rights Reserved SuperVoid 2011

Made In the U.S.A.

                U.S. Sales and Engineering                                 

Larry W. Primm  334.730.3614   lprimm@SuperVoid.com              

                      Prattville, Alabama  





Text Box: 6” High-Void Text Box: 4” & 6” High-Voids Text Box: 4” & 6” Place & Cover-Voids Text Box: 12” High-Void

Click To Enlarge